Live Scan required for Youth Leaders

California recently enacted a law requiring church members who work with minors to undergo a criminal background check. Protecting our children and youth is our highest priority and greatest responsibility, and we need everyone with a calling involving kids and teenagers to get a Live Scan check.

This includes:

• bishoprics

• stake and ward  primary workers

• stake and ward youth leaders

• seminary teachers and substitutes

• anyone who works with the youth or may in the future

Even if you currently do not have one of these callings, we still encourage you to get a Live Scan complete since you will need one in the future if you get a calling with minors.

Note: LiveScans completed for other organizations are not shared, so a new one is required for the Church.

Here are sign up sheets for the coming weeks. The slots are set at 3 minutes apart so we will be running a tight schedule. PLEASE BE ON TIME.

The process is simple.
- fill out the form below
- bring your driver’s license
- when you come, we will take your application, check your ID, and take fingerprints
The whole process should take just 2-3 minutes