Just Serve
JustServe matches faith, nonprofit, community and governmental organizations that need volunteers with volunteers willing to help. JustServe.org links you to service opportunities in your community so you can make a difference wherever you are and however you want to serve.
Once we know what the needs are, we tell you about them here on JustServe then you can go and help get the job done. We make it easy to sign-up and show-up, on your time and in your way.
JustServe.org is provided as a service by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Following the Biblical admonition to "love thy neighbor as thyself," JustServe provides opportunities to relieve suffering, care for the poor and needy, and enhance the quality of life in the community. JustServe is not for proselytizing or publicity–simply a service to help link community volunteer needs with volunteers.
Laguna Niguel Stake just serve Projects
The Laguna Niguel Stake participates and provides ongoing service projects through Just Serve. Past and current projects include Stop Hunger Now, Laguna Niguel Botanical Garden beautifying project, blood drives, and Service Saturday.
BBQ Fundraiser and Backpack Drive
Our BBQ fundraiser and Backpack Drive, held in August 2021 and organized by the Marina Hills ward, was a huge success. So many people from many organizations pitched in and made these events come to life! As a community we raised over $3100 and were able to provide backpacks, lunchboxes, water bottles, and other assorted supplies to over 130 children!
We had over three times as many people come to the event this year which may indicate that things are getting back to normal (we did this last year during the height of the pandemic) and that the need of those we served is greater than ever. Countless kids and their parents expressed to us their gratitude for your help and generosity. Thank you again for your donations of food, money, time, and talents that made this year's backpack drive so impactful. It was honestly awe-inspiring to see everyone jump in and do their part to help with the cause. It was so rewarding to distribute the supplies to the families. So many families commented about the need being greater than ever, being out of work, etc. and that they were so grateful for the help.

Red Cross Blood Drive
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hosts blood drives throughout the year. Volunteers help staff the check in booths and donors sign up for slots throughout the day. Because of the pandemic, blood supplies are running low and the need for donations is great. We couldn’t do these events without the help of our wonderful community. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated & volunteered!!

South County Outreach Back to School Event
Over 400 children of all ages received a new backpack and school supplies with 1,000 more backpacks given away throughout the week. Dinner, dessert, haircutting, crafts and reading stations were provided at the event with over 800 people in attendance.

Service Saturday
Our first Service Saturday we helped refugee women by coloring flashcards they will use to learn English.
Stop Hunger Now
We have loved partnering with Stop Hunger Now (Rise Against Hunger) to prepare meals which are distributed worldwide to those in need. They may look like simple bags of rice and soy, but Rise Against Hunger meals represent the hopes and dreams of people worldwide. Volunteers packed and sealed meals, then loaded them into boxes and onto trucks. Thousands of meals packed ina single day thanks to the hundreds of volunteers (children too!) who came to help.